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A long and, thankfully, successful career, it has been one in which I have never lost my drive and passion for my noble craft. I have been able to dovetail my lifetime love of history with a natural artistic ability that has allowed me to re-learn and master the preparation and manipulation of traditional materials as integral part of my on-going personal quest to continually push back the boundaries to learning. To research fully and remove barriers to vital historic craft knowledge and, where needed, to even rediscover lost skills; and in an age of heavy-handed workmanship, whilst teaching refined craft techniques, and their rarely recognised subtleties that elevates them to standards that have been neglected for far too long.
It is through properly appreciating and learning all of the above that we gain an empathetic understanding of the various historic periods of the building’s masonry that we are called to work on, and essential for properly matching and – in so doing – of honouring the wonderful heritage of brickwork our forefathers bequeathed us.

Pictured: Bedfordshire County Crest - Ahlar Gauged Brickwork Panel - Built & Carved In-Situ By Dr G Lynch 1990 - Aged 35
Dr Gerard Lynch ‘The Red Mason’